Stylish empty bedroom. :D
Age 34, Ohio
Hamburger University
Ohio, Illinois
Joined on 7/15/03
Stylish empty bedroom. :D
Undead Grandpa 2
How can you meet all those people IN PERSON and not melt from how awesome it has to be? I would be screaming like a girl all over the place, jumping from one person to the other like a bee trying to collect the most pollen... Weird metaphore right there lol
Well that would just be scary for everyone involved.
Rats, I was too zombied out to have met you... unless, did we walk back to the Best Western together?
Hope you make manager, and all your anime dreams come true (when you do sleep)!
Where you the guy who was taking photos? I think we chatted very shortly or hung out in he couches near the end of the night but never introduced each other.
Yeah, with a crappy flip phone camera... I hadn't slept more than 2 hours at a go for almost a week before the party, but I think most of us were so crunked up by 10-11pm, names didn't matter :)
Might have a picture of you in this zipped file of 60 crappy pics - it's worth it to see Tom and his kiddies <a href=""> 609723e39e4ef42d448855</a>
Constant sex?
I have always wondered what Zach Hadels face looked like... What did his face look like to you?
The face of a man.
Why dosn't Zach show his face?